----------------------------------------------------------- Writing, tfurrows (circumlunar.space), 5/24/2018 ----------------------------------------------------------- My wife and I went to check out the library in our new city. We've been going to the library in Columbia, which is a much bigger location. The size wasn't a deterrent, we only just had the time to check out our own library... While we were there I had a few minutes to browse the shelves and read a tiny bit. I read the first two chapters of "Tortialla Flats" by John Steinbeck. I'm positive i've read it in the past, but I can't bring any of it to memory, so it was pleasant. As for browsing, I was really just trying to get a feel for what was there. Much of it I have almost nothing to do with, lacking the time for certain books and the desire for certain others. Still, I did take one thing away from my browsing: some writers are exceptionally prolific. I wonder if a writer can be exceptionally good and also prolific, or if content produced with great speed must necessarily be of lesser quality. My own personal goal reflects my personality I suppose: I'd like to be prolific. I'm not convinced that I could be exceptional, is the next best thing to endlessly produce? My issue, I think, is that I'd like to make a living writing. So far, I've mostly dreamed and phlogged about writing. I've talked with friends and family about writing. I've even started a number of novels... but, I haven't produced anything that I will own up to yet. This worries me, because I feel that if I'm going to be prolific, I will need to learn how to finish my projects. It's evening now, and we're back in Columbia. We stopped back at the library here, mostly to use their internet for a bit. We don't have internet at our short-term rental, and my wife ran her phone's data out. She doesn't like her slower unlimited data, so we're borrowing the library's wifi. I didn't have much to say, but I wanted to get some gopher reading and writing in if I could manage it.