It seems like the phrase "plain text is beautiful" is peppered all over gopher space. It's like a digital bumper sticker that you see all over town but perhaps don't quite understand. At least, that's what it's like for me. Yes, I love the command line. I love *nix, and I love DOS, and I love retro. I miss my phosphorus green-screen wyse, that I used to have plugged in on a serial port as a second terminal. I enjoy a text interface. But, I've never thought about the beauty of it, until gopher. I'm still not entirely sold on the idea, so I figured I'd ramble about it a bit. Plain text is beautiful. I'm trying the phrase on. I love to read; text on a page, an e-ink screen, or an LCD is pleasing to me. Much of human knowledge is easily communicated with words. Words are a great storage medium for thoughts. They pile together to form stories and books and other sundry things (like gopher holes.) Text is beautiful. Maybe it doesn't have to be plain. What more is there? Typesetting, illustrations, pictures, photos, paintings, plates, hand-painted lithographs. I suppose there are other things that combine well with text. Words are beautiful. Maybe text is too limiting. Maybe we worship the medium instead of the meaning, I don't know. Perhaps it's the words themselves that are beautiful, and plain text just stays out of the way. Thinking of the inverse- are pictures hideous? Are photos ugly? Is typesetting unsettling? I don't think that's true. Are graphics unpleasant? Pictographs, glyphs; what about non-roman characters? Perhaps I'm overthinking this whole thing- maybe "plain text is beautiful" is a reference to gopher vs. html. Maybe a more complete phrase would be "plain text is more beautiful than HTML/CSS/JS." Maybe it's just about the bloat and the abuses and the lack of skill that the internet is fraught with? Of course, gopherspace isn't without problems. Not all of the plain text is handsomely set forth (including mine.) Not everything makes sense. The beauty is a choice made by the beholder it seems, even with plain text. Plain text is beautiful. I think I agree. I think I can say it, put it on my bumper.