I lifted the receiver in the small waiting room outside of the post-customs holding chamber. A small plaque indicated that this phone was for "official Corporate Republic use only," but I wasn't generally concerned with such rules. The appearance of a drone with a thin stainless steel proboscis prompted me to change my mind. There was only a busy tone anyway. *** Life has been a bit busy lately. Went traveling with the family for a couple days this week, and for a day trip last week. We sometimes do day trips to Phoenix- only when we have to, really. It's a 3.5hr drive each way, so doing it in a day is not pleasant. The house has been on the MLS for a few days and already we got an offer. I can't express how pleased I am about that. I hope that all goes through just fine. If it does, we'll be embarking on an adventure soon. I've no idea what that means yet; at least, I have nothing more than a vague idea. Still, I can't wait