Catholic relics (zaibatsu), 05/09/2019 ------------------------------------------------------------ I wanted to write a post about a flyer I picked up at a rest stop driving through Oklahoma a while back. The flyer was for the National Shrine of The Infant Jesus of Prague. I might have mentioned it already somewhere, I don't know. The thing is, a lot of what's in the pamphlet was nonsense to me on my first read through. I've been to Lourdes, I know a few Catholic people, and I've even been to mass a couple times. I listen to Catholic radio. I've even read Calvin's "A Treatise on Relics" some time back. But there are a few things I just don't quite get, such as veneration of other humans (including Mary, for example,) and relics. But then I read it through again, and did a little more reading online, and recalled all the people I've known and the things I've heard, and the sincerity I've witnessed, and I realized that there is no real value in me advertising my ignorance and bigotry. I don't understand Catholocism, but I don't hate it, and I don't want to be guilty of judging it. Even the parts that just don't make sense to me. So if you're curious abour relics, or the Infant Jesus of Prague, definitely go read about them. Remember as you read, that while the things you learn might seem outlandish to you, they are deeply real and experiential for others, and that means something. It's worth understanding better. That's what I remind myself of, at least.