Circus' and Monkeys and God (zaibatsu), 07/06/2019 ------------------------------------------------------------ A friend of mind used to say "not my circus, not my monkeys". I like that concept. I have enough to manage, without feeling like I need to manage the afairs of other people. Is God one of the "other people" in my life? In a way, I think so. The thing about God is that he's all-powerful, and I'm relatively insignificant. He's all-knowing, and I know almost nothing by comparison. SO... why should I expect myself to know everything, and be responsible for knowing everything, and weigh myself down with the duties of knowing everything? If I chagned "everything" to "anything" would it be much different? Like I said already, I know almost nothing. The things that I do know, I've made great efforts to obtain. I do my best, and that's about all anyone can expect of me. The all-knowing bit is God's circus, not mine. If God wants to show me amazing things and then hold me accountable for how I use that information, that's one thing. If he wants to give me the lightest breath of understanding, bourne on the wind with uncertainty and demanding faith, that's another. I'll take whatever I get, and I'll do whatever I can with it. I don't expect anything more from myself, or anyone else.