Some programs for Bywater Basic, ported from the small programs I wrote in NASCOM Basic for my z80 SBC. These can be run in bwbasic on a modern system, though you will find they are designed for a very non-modern computer (save/load for cassette, for example.) The text files with "bw_" prepended are for loading directly into bwbasic. The other versions are for reading and editing, with notes, etc. Here are a few notes to get started [EDIT] Just a text editor, pretty straight forward. Use "load" to type in lines. Don't type in commas, they are reserved, used \\ for comma, if you want/need to. [SHEET] Biggest issue with bywater basic in this one is the fact that it has issues if you miss input. When adding lines, make sure to put in "0" for cells you don't intend to fill in. [PRESENT] Make a quick presentation. Make sure to check out "?:" for help with the syntax. There is a test presentation to paste into the program in this folder. [Barnsley Fern] Make sure you have a large enough terminal, otherwise this will look odd. [Mandelbrot] Nuf said.