TIPS FOR USING TOPS-20 Welcome to TOPS-20! This series of INTRO help files will help you get started with the system as quickly as possible, based on previous command line OS experience. To start, give these commands a try: dir, vdir, tdir, edit, mm, bboard, systat, help, ?, help games, blank, logout Keep in mind that pressing "?" will often bring up immediate contextual help, and that pressing works for command and filename completion. ADDITIONAL HELP If you want to continue the INTRO tour, type in 'HELP INTRO1' or feel free to TYPE and of the files below directly: INTRO.HLP This quickstart INTRO1.HLP Getting help, filesystem basics, etc INTRO2.HLP INTRO3.HLP INTRO-TIPS.HLP Additional quick tips INTRO-CMDS.HLP UNIX command comparison chart INTRO-EXAMPLES.HLP All command examples from INTRO*.HLP ONLINE HELP If you prefer to find additional help online, you may want to search for these available TOPS-20 manuals (in order of usefulness for users): * TOPS-20 command manual * TOPS-20 system manager guide * TOPS-20 operator manual * TOPS-20 monitor calls reference ---> FOR NEXT INTRO, TYPE 'HELP INTRO1'