/******************************************************************** * $Author: jgoerzen $ * $Revision: 1.5 $ * $Date: 2002/03/19 20:22:42 $ * $Source: /home/jgoerzen/tmp/gopher-umn/gopher/head/gopher/pager.c,v $ * $State: Exp $ * * Paul Lindner, University of Minnesota CIS. * * Copyright 1991, 92, 93, 94 by the Regents of the University of Minnesota * see the file "Copyright" in the distribution for conditions of use. ********************************************************************* * MODULE: pager.c * neato pager.. ********************************************************************* * Revision History: * $Log: pager.c,v $ * Revision 1.5 2002/03/19 20:22:42 jgoerzen * Logged regex changes. * Include STRstring.h and strcasestr proto. * * Revision 1.4 2002/02/12 21:20:14 jgoerzen * Made files using strcasecmp() include util.h * * Revision 1.3 2001/01/17 21:48:05 jgoerzen * Many fixes and tune-ups. Now compiles cleanly with -Wall -Werror! * * Revision 1.2 2001/01/03 22:31:38 s2mdalle * Inclusion of new header file * * Revision 2000/08/19 00:28:56 jgoerzen * Import from UMN Gopher 2.3.1 after GPLization * * Revision 3.34 1995/11/03 21:18:22 lindner * ANSIfication * * Revision 3.33 1995/05/01 05:41:30 lindner * compatibility fixes * * Revision 3.32 1995/05/01 03:41:49 lindner * Fix return value * * Revision 3.31 1995/04/15 07:08:03 lindner * Fix * * Revision 3.30 1995/02/23 21:53:53 lindner * Correct cast.. * * Revision 3.29 1995/01/03 19:53:25 lindner * Dynamic screen position code, long title fix from Allan L. Bazinet * * Revision 3.28 1994/12/03 01:52:19 lindner * Don't auto exit paging at the end of the file * * Revision 3.27 1994/10/21 04:41:08 lindner * Add ANSI attached printer code.. * * Revision 3.26 1994/06/29 07:14:39 lindner * Check for A_CHARTEXT before trying to use it * * Revision 3.25 1994/06/29 05:13:55 lindner * Change to Stat.h * * Revision 3.24 1994/06/09 22:13:40 lindner * More language conversions * * Revision 3.23 1994/06/09 16:35:57 lindner * Fix typos * * Revision 3.22 1994/06/09 04:37:06 lindner * (F.Macrides) Fixed PagerNextPage() and PagerSearch() to not add extra * blank lines following lines that are exactly equal to the screen width * on VMS. Added code to disallow 'm'ail if SecureMode or NoShellMode * and the NOMAIL symbol was defined on compilation. * * Revision 3.21 1994/06/03 06:12:19 lindner * Fix for redisplay after using help * * Revision 3.20 1994/05/19 14:08:05 lindner * use fast malloc on VMS VAXC * * Revision 3.19 1994/05/18 03:59:41 lindner * Change to FIOsystem() for VMS * * Revision 3.18 1994/05/17 05:48:06 lindner * Massive internationalization change * * Revision 3.17 1994/05/14 04:13:47 lindner * Internationalization... * * *********************************************************************/ /** Note, uses Global "Searchstring" **/ #include "gopher.h" #include "CURcurses.h" #include "STRstring.h" #include "fileio.h" #include "Malloc.h" #include "pager.h" #include "util.h" #ifdef VMS #include #else #include #endif #define PosIncrement 10 /* room for 10 screens per malloc */ /** Argv/argc for searched words.. **/ static char *words[50]; static int wordcount = 0; /** Optional search string **/ static char slashstring[128]; /** bytecount positions for each page.. (non-dynamic.. yet...) **/ /* static int positions[4000]; */ /** Bad programmer **/ static int *positions = NULL; /* not-so-bad programmer */ static int currentpage; static int pos_max; /* * This is the beginning of a built in pager.. * it is very pretty.. * */ void PagerHelp(CursesObj *cur) { static char **helpmenu = NULL; if (helpmenu == NULL) { helpmenu = (char**) malloc(sizeof(char*) * 9); helpmenu[0] = Gtxt("u, ^G, left : Return to menu",19); helpmenu[1] = Gtxt("space, down : Move to the next page",20); helpmenu[2] = Gtxt("b, up : Move to the previous page",21); helpmenu[3] = Gtxt("/ : Search for text",22); helpmenu[4] = Gtxt("m : mail current document",23); helpmenu[5] = Gtxt("s : save current document",24); helpmenu[6] = Gtxt("p : print current document",25); helpmenu[7] = Gtxt("D : download current document",26); helpmenu[8] = NULL; } CURDialog(cur, Gtxt("Pager Help",18), helpmenu); } void PagerInitGlobals(void) { currentpage = 0; wordcount = 0; slashstring[0] = '\0'; } void PagerTitles(CursesObj *cur, GopherObj *gs, int totalbytes) { int i, fluff_len, k_bytes; char *cp; k_bytes = totalbytes/1024; /* Okay, first draw the top... ***/ move(0,0); wboldout(stdscr); fluff_len = 11 + (k_bytes/10); /* 11 = strlen("_(0k)_100%_"); */ if((strlen(GSgetTitle(gs))) <= (COLS-fluff_len)) { waddstr(stdscr, GSgetTitle(gs)); } else { cp = GSgetTitle(gs); for(i = 0; i < (COLS-(fluff_len+3)); i++) { waddch(stdscr, *cp++); } waddstr(stdscr, "..."); } wboldend(stdscr); wprintw(stdscr, " (%dk)", k_bytes); wmove(stdscr, 1,0); waddch(stdscr, CURgetBox_ul(cur)); for (i=0; i",115), FALSE); waddch(stdscr, ' '); CURbutton(cur, stdscr, Gtxt("Help: ?",96), FALSE); waddch(stdscr, ' '); CURbutton(cur, stdscr, Gtxt("Return to Menu: u",134), FALSE); } int PagePosAlloc(void) { size_t MallocSize; MallocSize = sizeof(int) * PosIncrement; positions = (int *) malloc(MallocSize); if (!positions) return(FALSE); else { pos_max = PosIncrement; return(TRUE); } } int PagePosRealloc(void) { int *temp = NULL; /* in case realloc fails */ size_t MallocSize; MallocSize = sizeof(int) * (pos_max + PosIncrement); temp = positions; positions = (int *) realloc(positions, MallocSize); if(!positions) { positions = temp; return(FALSE); } else { pos_max += PosIncrement; return(TRUE); } } void PagePosFree(void) { if(positions) free(positions); } void PagerPercent(int bytes, int totalbytes) { int per = (totalbytes? ((100 * bytes)/totalbytes) : 0); wmove(stdscr, 0, COLS-5); if (totalbytes != 0) wprintw(stdscr, "%d%%", per); if (per < 100) waddch(stdscr, ' '); if (per < 10) waddch(stdscr, ' '); } /* * Turn the search terms into a argv style thing.. */ void PagerParseSearchstring(void) { char *MungeSearchstr = Searchstring; int numchars; char theline[256]; wordcount = 0; if (Searchstring == NULL) return; while (isspace(*MungeSearchstr)) /** Strip off spaces **/ MungeSearchstr++; for (wordcount=0; wordcount<40; wordcount++) { while (isspace(*MungeSearchstr)) /** Strip off spaces **/ MungeSearchstr++; numchars = sreadword(MungeSearchstr, theline, 40); MungeSearchstr += numchars; if (numchars == 0) break; if (strcasecmp(theline, "and")==0 || strcasecmp(theline, "or")==0 || strcasecmp(theline, "not")==0) { wordcount--; } else { if (words[wordcount] != NULL) free(words[wordcount]); words[wordcount] = strdup(theline); } } } void PagerPrintLine(char *inputline) { int lowwordnum = -1, i; char *cp, *lowword; int wlen; /** Just print it if no search terms **/ if ((wordcount == 0 && slashstring[0] == '\0') || RCsearchBolding(GlobalRC) == FALSE) { waddstr(stdscr, inputline); return; } /** Find the first word in the line **/ while (*inputline!='\0') { lowword = NULL; if (slashstring[0] != '\0') cp = strcasestr(inputline, slashstring); else cp = NULL; if (cp != NULL) { lowword = cp; lowwordnum = -1; } for (i=0; i< wordcount; i++) { cp = strcasestr(inputline, words[i]); if (cp != NULL) if (cp < lowword || lowword == NULL) { lowword = cp; lowwordnum = i; } } if (lowword == NULL) { /** No search terms, spit it out **/ waddstr(stdscr, inputline); return; } else { /** add non bolded stuff **/ for (cp = inputline; cp < lowword; cp++) #if defined(GINTERNATIONAL) && defined(A_CHARTEXT) waddch(stdscr, *cp & A_CHARTEXT); #else waddch(stdscr, *cp); #endif inputline = lowword; /*** Bolded stuff ***/ standout(); if (lowwordnum == -1) wlen = strlen(slashstring); else wlen = strlen(words[lowwordnum]); for (cp = inputline; cp < inputline + wlen; cp++) waddch(stdscr, *cp); inputline += wlen; standend(); } } } void PagerSeekPage(FILE *thefile, int gotopage, int *bytecount) { if (gotopage < currentpage) { fseek(thefile, positions[gotopage], 0); *bytecount = positions[gotopage]; currentpage = gotopage; } } void PagerNextPage(CursesObj *cur, FILE *thefile, char *theline, int *bytecount, int totalbytes) { int i; char *cp = NULL; #ifdef VMS boolean check_next_line = FALSE; #endif /** Save current bytecount position **/ positions[currentpage++] = *bytecount; if(currentpage == pos_max) if(!PagePosRealloc()) { CursesErrorMsg(Gtxt("Sorry, can't display this file",148)); return; } wmove(stdscr, 2, 0); /* Display a screen of text */ for (i=0; i 1) CURbutton(cur, stdscr, Gtxt("PageUp: b",117), FALSE); } /* * Seek to the page with the specific search term... */ boolean PagerSearch(FILE *thefile, char *theline, int *bytecount, char *search) { int i; char *cp = NULL; #ifdef VMS boolean check_next_line = FALSE; #endif do { /** Save current bytecount position **/ positions[currentpage++] = *bytecount; if(currentpage == pos_max) if(!PagePosRealloc()) { CursesErrorMsg(Gtxt("Sorry, can't display this file",148)); return(FALSE); } for (i=0; i 1) { PagerSeekPage(thefile, currentpage-2, &bytecount); PagerNextPage(cur, thefile, theline, &bytecount, totalbytes); } break; case '^': if (currentpage > 1) { PagerSeekPage(thefile, 0, &bytecount); PagerNextPage(cur, thefile, theline, &bytecount, totalbytes); } break; case '$': if (bytecount < totalbytes) do PagerNextPage(cur, thefile, theline, &bytecount, totalbytes); while (bytecount < totalbytes); break; case '\037': case KEY_HELP: case 'h': case '?': PagerHelp(cur); touchwin(stdscr); break; case 'p': if (SecureMode || NoShellMode) { CursesErrorMsg(Gtxt("Sorry, you are not allowed to print files",161)); touchwin(stdscr); break; } if (RCuseANSIprinter(GlobalRC) == TRUE) { FILE *printit; char *cp; char printtmpstr[512]; printit = fopen(GSgetLocalFile(gs), "r"); if (printit == NULL) { CursesErrorMsg(Gtxt("Cannot Open requested file..",71)); break; } CURexit(CursesScreen); printf("Now printing on ANSI attached printer\n"); printf("\033[5i"); while (1) { cp = fgets(printtmpstr, sizeof(printtmpstr), printit); if (cp == NULL) break; fputs(cp, stdout); } fclose(printit); printf("\f\033[4i"); printf(Gtxt("Press to continue",121)); getchar(); CURenter(CursesScreen); touchwin(stdscr); clearok(curscr, TRUE); break; } if (!RCprintCommand(GlobalRC, GSgetLocalView(gs), GSgetLocalFile(gs), command) || !strncasecmp(command, "- none -", 8) || strlen(command) == 0) { CursesErrorMsg(Gtxt("Sorry, no method to print this document",156)); touchwin(stdscr); break; } Dialogmess[0] = strdup(Gtxt("The filename is:",174)); Dialogmess[1] = strdup(GSgetLocalFile(gs)); Dialogmess[2] = NULL; if (CURDialog(cur, Gtxt("Print current document",122), Dialogmess) != -1) { if (FIOsystem(command)) CursesErrorMsg(Gtxt("Encountered printing problem, sorry...",84)); } free(Dialogmess[0]); free(Dialogmess[1]); touchwin(stdscr); clearok(curscr, TRUE); break; case 's': if (!(SecureMode || NoShellMode)) Save_file(gs, NULL, GSgetLocalView(gs)); else CursesErrorMsg(Gtxt("Sorry, you are not allowed to save files",162)); touchwin(stdscr); break; case 'D': Download_file(gs); wclear(stdscr); PagerTitles(cur, gs, totalbytes); PagerSeekPage(thefile, currentpage-1, &bytecount); PagerNextPage(cur, thefile, theline, &bytecount, totalbytes); break; case 'm': #ifdef NOMAIL if (SecureMode || NoShellMode) { CursesErrorMsg(Gtxt("Sorry, you are not allowed to do this", 64)); touchwin(stdscr); break; } #endif GSmail(gs); wclear(stdscr); PagerTitles(cur, gs, totalbytes); PagerSeekPage(thefile, currentpage-1, &bytecount); PagerNextPage(cur, thefile, theline, &bytecount, totalbytes); break; case '/': /** Search ... ***/ if ((CURGetOneOption(CursesScreen, "", Gtxt("Search text for:",141), slashstring) < 0) || (slashstring[0] == '\0')) { touchwin(stdscr); break; } case 'n': /** Next occurrence, and fall through from above.. **/ if (slashstring[0] == '\0') { CursesErrorMsg(Gtxt("Use '/' to define search a first...",178)); touchwin(stdscr); break; } savedpagenum = currentpage; if (ch == '/') PagerSeekPage(thefile, currentpage-1, &bytecount); if (!PagerSearch(thefile, theline, &bytecount, slashstring)) { CursesErrorMsg(Gtxt("Couldn't find text",82)); touchwin(stdscr); PagerSeekPage(thefile, savedpagenum-1, &bytecount); PagerNextPage(cur, thefile, theline, &bytecount, totalbytes); touchwin(stdscr); break; } /* We found it... */ PagerSeekPage(thefile, currentpage-1, &bytecount); PagerNextPage(cur, thefile, theline, &bytecount, totalbytes); touchwin(stdscr); break; default: CURBeep(cur); break; } } /*** Clean up.. ***/ fclose(thefile); free(theline); PagePosFree(); }