I find myself gravitating toward the links2 browser more and more often when I surf the web these days. Links2 takes me back to web 1.0. I just peruse the web. I don't end up logging into social media, which limits my screen time. Mostly. The other great aspect of links2 is that it renders big, beautiful images but not javascript. You might counter that I could do that with a regular browser, by toggling the javascript setting. But you'd be wrong. Links2 will render sites without javascript that do not work when I use Firefox with the "Disable Javascript" extension active or with javascript toggled off in about:config. Perhaps the difference has something to do with server responses to different user agents. A good example of this involves www.engadget.com. With javascript toggled off in Firefox, the site renders as a blank page. In links2, it renders normally. The other great asset of links2 involves online newspaper reading. Again, I'm not sure why, but Firefox with javascript toggled off is still blocked when I pass the 10-article limit on my favourite newspapers. Yet paywa11s are no match for links2. It's your free pass to content heaven. Let's keep that to ourselves in the gopherverse, huh? * * * My 'dark mode' settings for links2: 1. Click on the top bar to see the menu. 2. Set the colour options under View > Color: Text: d0d0d0 Link: 80b6cc Background: 202020 3. Set the HTML options, under View > HTML Options: User font size: 24 Scale all images by: 100% 4. After making any changes, you need to go to View > Save HTML Options