Re: techwing, "Text-Only vs. GUI" I saw a post by techwing over on Midnight Pub[1], so I thought that I'd dash off a quick response. Hopefully they read gopher. Apparently Tkinter is no fun. I'm just learning Python, so I won't comment on that (much). But here are some leads on quick, easy-to-use GUIs for batch scripts, bash scripts, and python. A Quick GUI for Windows Batch Scripts ===================================== Yes, batch scripts. On a practical level, batch scripts get you past the execution policy constraints placed on PowerShell. On a personal level, I enjoy writing batch scripts a lot. I first computed with DOS, so the whole experience feels natural to me. I am consciously following dbucklin's lead in just using the tools I want to use[2]. Anyways, the Wizard's Apprentice[3] is perfect for adding quick GUI dialogs to your batch files. Thanks to Dion Nicolaas for creating such a great open source solution. Quick GUIs for Bash Scripts =========================== I've just done a bit of experimenting with Zenity, but Zenity[4] and YAD[5] appear to serve the same function as the Wizard's Apprentice for bash scripts. In my limited experience, Zenity is very easy to use. Quick GUIs for Python ===================== I have not used Gooey[6] at all yet, but I've read the docs, and it looks like it could help you avoid Tkinter in a lot of situations. I plan on using it in the future. Someone on the Hacker News also mentioned Wooey[7], which might be worth a look. [1] gemini:// [2] gopher:// [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]