A Gopheriment - 2020-08-19 ========================== Several weeks ago I reorganized my gopher hole here, complete with writing a custom gophermap, because I realized that if I wanted to make my gopherspace here a little nicer and more well-organized, I totally could! Gopher is a protocol that is way more fantastic than I previously realized. In large part that has to do with how simple it is. Unlike the modern web, with its seemingly infinite upgrades (shell connections via the browser? Wild!), the limitations of Gopher become freeing. I still *can* link to images, other gopher pages, the Internet, or anywhere else - and thanks to the power of CommonMark/Markdown, I can make it look super reasonable. But I also get to focus on the words that I'm writing. However, it appears that whatever script is loading up updates from my fellow Sundogs is choking and dying on my changes. Updating files in my `feels` directory did not add me to the list. Now that I think about it I could probably have taken an alternative approach and just tried sticking a counter file in my root directory. But I guess at the time I assumed that it was just looking for unseen files. In any case, I have now completely changed things so my feels are here in my root directory. I may try throwing up an RSS feed to see if that actually triggers my page to show up in the updates. Anyway, this should show up on my gophermap, because I put it there, and I'm assuming that my changes will add me to the recent updates list. Excelsior!