A New Script - 2021-07-23 17:52 =============================== I wrote a new script to to make it easier to start new posts. Here it is: #!/usr/bin/env python3 import os import re import subprocess from datetime import datetime from pathlib import Path DEFAULT_EXT = '.md' EDITOR = os.environ.get('EDITOR', 'vim') title = input('Title: ') dashed_title = re.sub(r'\s+','-', title) if not title.strip(): print('Title is empty, aborting') exit(0) path = Path(f"{datetime.now():%y%m%d}-{dashed_title.lower()}") path = path.with_suffix(path.suffix or DEFAULT_EXT) if input(f'Edit {path!s}? (Y/n): ').lower().strip() in ('', 'y', 'yes'): header = f"{title} - {datetime.now():%Y-%m-%d %H:%M}" path.write_text(f"{header}\n{'='*len(header)}") subprocess.run([EDITOR, path]) It's nothing fancy, but... maybe it's helpful to you!