> I was hoping to find a system to let me take notes, > with tags and easy searching. > > However, after testing 14 notetaking apps and not finding a usable one, > I'll try a directory of markdown files managed by git. tspivey was writing about note taking. I've discovered and built a note taking system that works very well for me. I read an article by Derek Sivers[1] on the enefits of a ddaily/topic journal. This has worked very well for me. The way I do it is ai have an index: - ThisTopic - AnotherTopic - SomeTopic - FinalTopic In vim I can easily sort these with vip:sort I usually use vim and it's pretty trivial to search for these things. All you have to do is put the cursor or the item and press `*`. That will search for whatever is under the cursor. Other editors it can be pretty reasonable as well - even with edbrowse you must have to search with a regular search. By sorting the index (in vim: vip:sort) it's very easy to maintain an ordered index. Then each entry consists of something like so: ThisTopic ========= This is easily accomplished in vim with yypVr= In edbrowse you can do it with .t. followed by .s/./=/g I personally like to put timestamps in my file. I couldn't find a way to easily do that with edbrowse. There might be one. But the approach I take in vim was to make a couple of new bindings in my vimrc. Anway... I have a daily journal and a topic journal, all in one file. It's worked great for me - I simply use my regular search. Oh! Yeah an important part of this is that I use the original WikiText - those words won't usually appear in normal text. Anyway, that has been rather successful for me. I don't know if there are better ways to do things, but that's kind of the way it works for me. If any o fthat is confusing, feel free to reach out to me@wangofett.com and I'll be happy to answer any questions I can! ETX