# Collateral Obsolescence Rant Considering Climate // 19-8-22 (To prevent overlong lines, but without the need of postprocessing, I'm writing single lines on the Palm.) Warning: grumpy old man ahead! So now I can start throwing away fully functional mobile phones, adding more crumbs to the heap of junk our consumer world causes. And it's your fault, you guys who watch TV on your mobile devices, you kids who communicate merely by tons of pics and movie snippets, you advert people who want more interactive mind-numbing sugar, you chatternuts who need to see your pals moving their mouths. Because all of you and some are the reason telcos are installing 5G but abandoning 2G and 3G networks. And so my old Nokias have begun not getting any network recently. Cherry on the stupidity cake: The salesman at the provider's shop told me they have the redo of the Nokia 3310 (IIRC) capable of using the new networks. I don't want to buy new stuff, I want to continue using the old working one, for f***s sake! I'm already feeling bad enough for the fact I recently bought two new batteries for my old Acer Aspire laptop, and now it doesn't boot any more. Agreed, it's old, but it fit my needs perfectly. *sob* So I try to consume less, but the crap gets shoved down my throat. Yeah, I'm an old man, and they were never happy with how the world is turning around them. But for all we know, it's no longer the same world where making and using new stuff is just progress, but became harmful. My son yesterday asked me whether we would/could go to New Zealand in a year or two. It was at bedtime, so I kept it short and didn't discuss it. But I will have to tell him that I think flying around the world just for fun does not do it much good, and that we should well consider all the effects. (Luckily, my wife and I are totally on the same page in this respect!) Yes, I've done it myself before, and although it's been a wonderful time in NZ (including ham radio contacts over short-waves), I'm having serious doubts whether we should do such a trip. Which is difficult to justify to a kid whose colleagues at school were in Australia or elsewhere for a week or two during summer vacations, and their parents are regularly jetting around the world on their job. Sometimes I cannot get rid of the feeling we're all doomed because of our indifference. I can relate to Miss Thunberg's intention to make others feel panicked about the climate, although I think panic is the wrong reaction. But we do have lost the past thirty years, methinks, and we have to make some tough decisions NOW. .:. *written on PalmIII*