When Advanced Technology Sucks ============================== I was just walking down the street one day to buy pens when a car stopped next to me and the driver asked me for help. She was trying to drive to a destination using the mobile application Waze and wanted to be sure that the Waze helps here get to her destination. I really tried to help and show her everything was okay by enlarging the screen. But something went wrong when I tried to scroll the screen, and I didn't know how to get back. I think that technology sucks when I see other people who want to enjoy it. Suddenly it is so difficult. If you want to enjoy waze, I think you should just knoe how to tell the system your destination in case such things happen. But, no! She just told me that she wanted to be sure Waze directs her to her destination. Then she just told me shoe would ask somebody else. I do not drive and don't use Waze. So, if I wanted to go to that well-known destination, I would probably take the train, and walk there following signs. Waze won't help you ditch traffic jams when you drive to the city where your destination is located. I recall that story from the late nineties about a guy who called technical support because he had a problem using WordPerfect. Following is the link: https://georgeasamani.wordpress.com/2014/01/29/joke-too-stupid-to-own-a-computer-extreme-laughter-guaranteed/ That's how I feel when I'm asked for such help when I'm just walking down the streets. I'm glad I can still find it using a search engine.