Print a Floating Point Value in ARM64 assembly ============================================== I've found that calling the function "printf" to print a floating point value from an Assembly program is not trivial. First, to use the specifier "%f", you need to have a double-precision value in the corresponding operand (a register). The second thing, I've found is that an immediate value passed to a register is of length 16 bits. So, if you try a 32-bit or more numbers using the 'mov' or 'fmov' commabd you will get: * For an integer: immediate value cannot be moved by a single instruction * For a floating-point number: invalid floating point constant at operand 2 An immediate floating number should be what the IEEE 754 standard defines as half-precision value. So, you'll need to load the value from an address instead using 'ldr'. Searching the web, I've found in a Reddit discussion that the site can help you generate Assembly code from C. A useful command I found if you want to load a page and your CPU Support it is "adrp"[1]. Yes, you can find amazing things on ".org" sites! You can learn even more about the architecture from the architecture guide [2] In my program [3], I use "ldr" to simply get the number from an address. Nom let us talk a little bit about the IEEE 754 standard for double precision: Double-precision numbers are represented by 64-bit fields: * The highest bit is the sign (0 for positive, 1 for negative), where is zero? well, according to IEEE 745, there are +0 and -0. * Bits 52 thru 62 - the exponent. Holds a value between 0 and 7ffh. * Bits 0 thru 51 - are the mantissa. The rules: 1. When both the mantissa and the exponent are zeros, the real value is +0 or -0 depending on the sign. 2. When the exponent is zero, the real value is mantisa / 2^52. 3. When the exponent is 7ffh and the mantissa is zero, the value is +infinity or -infinity depending on the sign. 4. When the exponent is 7ffh and the mantissa is non-zero, the value is NaN - not a number, but a computation error. 5. Otherwise, the real value is (1 + mantissa/2^52)*2^(exponent-3ff) For example, when the requested number is 41.3: 1. 41.3 is a positive number, thus the sign digit is 0 2. 41.3 is greater than or equal to 32, and smaller than 64, thus the exponent is 5+3ffh=404h 3. 41.3 / 32 = 1.290625 4. Let us subtract 1, the result is 0.290625 5. Multiply by 2^52 and convert to hexadecimal: the mantissa is 4a66666666666h. 6. From steps 1,2 and 5, we get the result: 4044a66666666666 [1] [2] [3] gopher://