The Boston Diaries, Marginalia, Phroxy ====================================== The other day, I found a phost in the gopherspace "The Boston Diaries"[1] about a search engine named Marginalia [2]that gives pages a higher ranl for being closer to plain-text document. One thing I've found searching my first and last name without a space is a reference to my phlog, from which I can see my phosts on the web. The page appears on a phroxy, a gopher proxy named "". I don't like the idea of gopher contents found on the web, because I don't want my friends and family to find that I really write about things such as my phost about the abusive interviewer. I don't want people to know that I do not simply keep that job interview in the past. But, I guess my friends and family will stick to traditional search engines, and will not guess I write in Gopher, and that interviewer will never guess someone shames him there. Thanks, editor of the Boston Diaries[1] for your phost! BTW, Marginalia is not lynx-friendly. When I try to open it I get the error "300 Permanent Redirect", but you can browse it in Emacs even without a GUI system. [1] gopher:// [2]