If You Are Tired of Cancel Culture ================================== To be honest, I do not care anymore. I have once subscribed to Reclaim The Net's newsfeed, but now I've lost interest of their posts. How many more posts about censorship on a social network can I read? I'm getting tired of the victims in as well as of the social networks' policies and political bias. I remember how I once wrote a reply siding someone's freedom of speech, not even checking who that someone was. And the last one I've read: "Facebook censorship covers up evidence of war crimes"[1]. Really? Is Facebook where you read your news? My solution is simple: quit Facebook, quit Twitter! Don't be too influenced by the media. If you want to publish something, come here to SDF or another gopher server. Use a real decentralized internet protocol, such as XMPP. [1] https://reclaimthenet.org/facebook-censorship-covers-up-evidence-of-war-crimes/