The High Cost of Free Parking ============================= Some malls in my country have started charging drivers for using their parking lots. I do not drive, so I'm not affected. That's pretty cool. I sometimes walk to a mall or take the bus there. Some years ago, I read that free parking is actually the most expensive. There's a book by Donals Shoup named "The Hig Cost of Free Parking" and there is an article about that book. [1] Feel free to download the PDF file from there. The article is not long. The parking lots are not really free: someone has to pay for the space they take. There's also a need of maintenance. I also think that some people come to the mall to park their car there, but not shop. So mall owners pay for the parking lots, but may not earn from them unless the customers pay more for the products they buy and thus for the parking lot. May we all make the right decisions in life and stop feeling like victims. [1]