Living in Desperation ===================== Desperation is the last novel by Stephen King I have read. The book is about some people traveling along U.S. Route 50, the loneliest road in the U.S., and getting abducted by a cop named Collie Entragian. The first victims are the Nary and Peter Jackson. Now, I remember one of Paul's thought while taken to Desperation, NV: he asks if he's in some other country - whose name I don't remember - where people can be abducted just like that by the police. As if it is okay to arrest people just like that in a non-western country. Another thing is that Collie Entragian say something against Jews, but Paul corrects him and replies that he's not a Jew. Wait! Not a word against anti-semitism? It lloks like some people are cool with police brutality, unless it gets them. So, the poor victims are going in a journey to the dark past of the U.S., a past many would want to forget. And those who forget the past are condmned to repeat it. And, maybe we feel it nowadays when there are so many protests all over the world. I don't think what all things protesters do is right, but it may be the price privileged people pay for just turning the blind eye to wrongs because they are not the victims. So now, maybe we are on route 50 on our way to Desperation?