A Green Browser =============== I am not very satisfied with the Firefox browser, so I've decided to try something else: Midori. You can get it from https://www.midori-browser.org/. The browser's name meaning in Japanese is "green". I installed the green browser the day before yesterday. At least it renders Quora better, and switches with no problems between languages. I had found that something needs to be fixed in order to watch videos, so I upgraded the GStreamer plugins. And because the audio/video is based on GStreamer, GStreamer only uses the rear mic/speaker sockets to play and record sound. There are still some problems: the browser crashes often when I try to switch to another tab or close one. When I start it from the comman line, I get: ** (midori:67787): CRITICAL **: 16:49:04.713: gdouble webkit_web_view_get_zoom_level( WebKitWebView *): assertion 'WEBKIT_IS_WEB_VIEW(webView)' failed failed to create drawable I haven't found the source of the problem, yet. Maybe, after I run the Daily process, I will find something, but I don't like the reports because they are very long. Meanwhile, I use midori carefully: I copy links in case the browser crashed as I try to open it in a new tab. I also use LyX to prepare my answer to math questions on Quora.