Installing LibreOffice on FreeBSD 14.0 ====================================== I recently upgraded my FreeBSD to version 14.0. Then I found that LibreOffice is no longer installed, so I installed it. The process included 618 steps of installing, deleting and upgrading packages. After the installation, the desktop environment XFCE stopped working. After reboot the command 'stratx' failed and returned me to the GUI-less shell. The reason was that the file ". /usr/local/etc/xdg/xfce4/xinitrc" did not exist. According to the CompTIA A+ guide, I'm supposed to have a backout plan. In my humble opinion, if you upgrade to a stable version, there is no turning back - troubleshoot instead. I'm glad I can open the FreeBSD handbook[1] using the Lynx browser. There I found that what I should do is install the package 'xfce' as follows pkg install xfce Then, I needed to install other packages, such as Firefox. Easy Peasy. [1]