%% LyX created this file. For more info, see http://www.lyx.org/. %% Do not edit unless you really know what you are doing. \documentclass[english]{article} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[latin9]{inputenc} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{babel} \begin{document} \title{Solving an Irrational Equation} \author{Amit Yaron} \date{June 10, 2021} \maketitle Wow, I see a sum of too cubic roots with square root inside. It looks like a solution of a cubic equation using Cardano's formula. But under the inner radical, there's ``x''. RHS is a constant. On YouTube the length of the video clip is about 14 minutes. When there is a number instead of ``x'', you can cube both sides and then form a cubic equation solvable by searching for a rational root. Here we do not need to solve a cubic equation. Let us solve it quickly with no ads. So, our equation is: \[ \sqrt[3]{9+\sqrt{x}}+\sqrt[3]{9-\sqrt{x}}=3 \] Solve by cubing both sides using the formula: \[ (a+b)^{3}=a^{3}+b^{3}+3ab(a+b) \] If we take \[ \begin{cases} a= & \sqrt[3]{9+\sqrt{x}}\\ b= & \sqrt[3]{9-\sqrt{x}} \end{cases} \] Then \[ \begin{cases} a^{3}= & 9+\sqrt{x}\\ b^{3}= & 9-\sqrt{x}\\ ab= & \sqrt[3]{(9-\sqrt{x})(9+\sqrt{x}}\\ a+b= & 3 \end{cases} \] Good! Now: \begin{align*} 9+\sqrt{x}+9-\sqrt{x}+9\sqrt[3]{81-x} & =27\Rightarrow\\ \Rightarrow18+9\sqrt[3]{81-x} & =27\Rightarrow\\ \Rightarrow9\sqrt[3]{81-x} & =9\Rightarrow\\ \Rightarrow\sqrt[3]{81-x} & =1\Rightarrow\\ \Rightarrow81-x & =1\Rightarrow\\ \Rightarrow & x=80 \end{align*} You can verify it using a calculator or a short expression in your favorite scripting language's CLI. GNU Octave is a great one. Following is the expression: \begin{quotation} cbrt(9+sqrt(80))+cbrt(9-sqrt(80)) \end{quotation} The output is: \begin{quotation} ans = 3.0000 \end{quotation} \end{document}