Protests Against "Irrevesible Damage" ===================================== I do not regret going to that protest yesterday. Going there was very easy: I took the train to Tel-Aviv Savidor Central railway station. and found the place easily. I already know the place because I once lived and worked in Ramat Gan. We had a demonstration next to somewhere where the launch of the translation of the book "Irreversible Damage - The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters" by Abigail Shrier was to take place. So, I just went there with some transgenders and other activists to protest. I read and saw later videos of a transgender boy asking some question and taken by force out of the hall. He said "We are not a disease.". They replied "You are a disease.". So, I found no reason not just to live and let live. In addition I'm not sorry for going to a demonstration where people cry "shame! shame! shame!" against people in cars going in and out of the area. And I am not sorry for people who suddenly get a sticker on their cars though no one has the right to force a car owner to have a sticker on his or her car. If you call people a disease, I don't give an ef about you!