Mobile Browsing Is Shit ======================= Say you create content from the web, and you want more and more people to view it. You use the best features of the platform to provide your readers with the best quality of a post. Then you want to attract readers to your site, so you sign up for a Google Analytic account, and receive e-mails from the Google Search Console Team about issues found by their crawlers. Most of the issues are mobile browsing problems: * Clickable elements too close together * Content wider than screen * tag on this page requires an AMP component 'script' tag, which is missing. * &c &c &c So, now you try to find out what the heck they want from you and how to fix the issues. For example, you use the mediocre Code block in your WordPress blog instead of the clear and colorful SyntaxHighlighted Code. Now, you have to work harder to provide your readers with pages of mediocre quality instead of the best just because they browse from a mobile device. Following is the link to a reply I've made in a Search Console Help forum: