Lawsuits Over Negative Reviews ============================== I hate how businesses now can sue a person over a negative review or at least threaten to do so. They even shame a person for it to defend their reputation with responses such as: "... I have seen that you slander a lot of businesses in Google review..." Chances are they won't sue me. The only reason I've removed the review is because I do not want to be shamed. I have a right to a good reputation, too. So what if I am not a business. I'm still a human being. This causes me to believe that I should criticize businesses anonymously by writing my opinion in chalk on the sidewalk or something. I can understand them because they can improve while the bad review stays. It is still not my fault: it is google that does not remove the reviews after a while. And I do not slander a lot of businesses. I'm too lazy to do so.