New Year's Math Problem ======================= Toards the end of the year 2023 and the beginning of 2024, I found a math puzzle on Quora[1]. Don't worry, those puzzles are pretty easy. If solutionns exists, then the numbers are small. The question is if there exists integers x,y, such that: x²⁰²⁴-y²⁰²⁴=2025²⁰²⁵ The first step is to check which of the variables is odd and which is even. You can find easily that x is odd and y is even. Now, let us find a number easy to deal with, call it 'a', such that 2025≢1 mod a or a∤2024 Guss what? 16 is such a number. And 2025≡9 mod 16 Now, 2024 is a multiple of 4. And if a number 'a' is odd it can be represented as 4n±1 and (4n±1)⁴=(4n)⁴±4(4n)³+6(4n)³±4(4n)+1= =256n⁴±256n³+96n³±16n+1= =16(16n⁴±16n³+6n³±n)+1≡1 mod 16==> ==> x²⁰²⁴≡1 mod 16 ==> ==> x²⁰²⁴-y²⁰²⁴≡1 mod 16 while 2025²⁰²⁵=2025⋅2025²⁰²⁴≡9 mod 16 There are no real solutions. [1]