Using 'xfce4' Without a Mouse ============================= I had changed something in '/etc/devd.conf' and the mouse stopped functioning. This can be overcome if you have a terminal; from the terminal you can run the shell command 'xfce4-accessibility-manager', then choose the "Mouse" tab, and check 'Use Mouse Emulation'. You can use the arrows and the enter key to switchfrom one tab to another or chose an option. Agter yo've set up mouse emulation you can use the arrows on the numeric keypad. In addition, you can use keys '1','3','7' and '9' for diagonal arrows. The key '+" on the numeric keypad will ve used as a left-click, and '0' as a right-click. If you don't have a terminal open, you can click + to open a right-click menu, navigate with arrows, and press 'Enter' to open one. Did you know that +W closes tabs and windows? Use them if an open applications stand in your way.