I'm Not Addicted to YouTube =========================== I recently listened to another episode of podcast Build For Tomorrow[1] (formerly Pessimists Archive). The episode is about so-called technology addicition. To be more precise the episode is about how offten you connect yourself to a social network ot a game and for how long. There is a reason why a person would use technology so much, and it is probably that the alternative sucks. For example, as a kid you have to go to school. When a day in school is over, you still have duties such as homework and preparing for the exam. You are somebody else's subordinate! I remember those good old days when I do things that make me feel great, such as writing a computer program, when my parents come and remind me that what I am is a school-boy who has homework to do. At least that is a good preparation for the military service. Then, the situation is getting worse, and you have to work. So, people start using things like social-media even instead of doing their jobs. They still get paid for the time, and if not fired, they get paid for browsing social media. One popular site for watching video clips and movies is YouTube. Sometimes I find there interesting stuff. There were even times I would consume a lot of the contents YouTube offered me. But because of the ads that repeat themselves and come even in the middle of the clip or movie. That's the reason YouTube is no longer attractive, and certainly not addictive. In addition, Some popular videos suck; Karen videos is one example. Those videos are mostly annoying and boring. I don't spend much time there, and prefer a book, and sometimes when I find an interesting math questions I prefer solving it myself. [1] https://www.jasonfeifer.com/build-for-tomorrow/