Pessimists Archive Podcast ========================== These days I like listening to that great podcast about reasons why people resist innovation and what they do about it. There are a lot of things that we enjoy today, but once were new and people resited them: the fork, cofee, bicycles, birthday parties (I agree that they still suck). The last episode I picked is about margarine (the butter substitute). It was a great substitute for butter, and was invented in France back in 1868 for the use of the military, because butter was not very durable and had to be consumed shortly after its production. But because of its cheap price, dairy farmers in the USA - and in particular in the state of Wisconsin, did not like the substitute. So laws against that product has been passed in the USA, and people have found some workaround tricks to bypass the problem. Is the USA really such a free country? I find the episode funnyi, and the podcast a great way to spend your time. The episode can be fiound at: The RSS: For the Pessimist Archive, now known as Build for Tomorrow, site click: