Programming Languages That Suck =============================== I remember that once there was a trend of criticizing programming languages. I always thought programming languages help you achieve things: you could pass exams and get good grades because you know how to use them, and later you could earn money for knowing them and using them. The only time I remamber that I complained about a language, was back in the days I worked for Amdocs and still wrote in C though more advanced languages were in use. I liked writing in Java. The first time I saw that a language is criticized was in some internet forum, where someone criticized PHP with a link to an article that explains why. You can find a list of programming languages that suck here: Somehow, I haven't found Tcl in the list. Trying to deal with the JSON package got me frustrated because in Tcl JSON serialization cannot be recursive; the data type used for both lists and dictionaries is the same: a string. So, JSON cannot interpret it. It is the programmer's responsibility. For eample: * if you want a value to be a string, use json::write string * if you want to lists elements as an array, use json::write array * If you want to create an object, use: json::write object Now, what if you want to take a list and make a JSON array of it? eval json::write array So, I looked for an article to which I could add "Tcl" in a comment. Found it here: ( )