Reading Bukowski's Post Office ============================== I am in the middle of another great novel by Charles Bukowski. One funny thing in the book is that he calls the supervisor "soup". Bukowski describes in his a terrible world, but never does a thing to make it a better place. Henry Chinasky suffers at work again from employers that demand too much from him, but not from sexual harassments. I like how Charles Bukowsji writes about "men's problems" in peace, without anybody coming up with greater trouble such as sexual harassments. Yes, the protagonist is a womanizer, and even a rapist, but I am not going to quit reading the book because of that. If there's something I don't like about the book is that Mr. Chinasky goes to race tracks. I do not make him my hero, especially because he comes hungover to work. He still has interesting things to say about work, soups, society, etc. and I enjoy reading it and finding some goodies worth quoting.