Going to the Psycho Ward ======================== A married man with children goes and visits his wife's family. He tells the people there about the trip in the south of the country to which he goes by his car in the morning. Old Gruffandgrim*, his father in law, reminds him that he needs to work so he can make a living and have enough money for his trips. A little arguments starts, and the son-in-law decides to walk away so old Gruffandgrim decides to give up and not talk about the matter anymore. Later, the son in law and his wife go home. The family watches the news there is an item about someone in debts that decides to kill himself, and old Gruffandgrim tells his wife how he is not sorry for what he says earlier to the in-law. Of course he justifies himself because he has gradchildren from that son in law about whom he is worried. But it is not your job to be the family's cop and make sure every "subordinate" of yours has a job. But, some months or even a couple of years later the in law is diagnosed with ome mental illness and goes to a psycho-ward for a while. Now it is clear the father in law cannot be in charge of his family members' employment. * Named after a character in Charles Dickens' Great Expectations.