Quitting The Job because of the Customer ======================================== I had been working as an expat in a hi-tech company at a customer's plant. I don't remember what I was in the middle of one of those days, when Kelly from QA came to my cubicle. Those QA members may be more than somewhat difficult, and one should know how to deal with them patiently; you cannot complain about them, but they can complain about you. And the reason Kelly came to my desk is that she has found a discrepancy between the number of records written in a debug messgae and the number of them in the summary. WTF? I tried "it is not a bug - it's a feature", but it didn't work. I even suggested that she open a defect just to get rid of her, but she only wanted to know why the discrepancy. I think it sucks that in such situations I cannot call security. WTF? I did not expect the Spanish inquisition... Finally, I tell her that debug messages are to be used by the DEVELOPERS, and not by the QA. Not enough; she called Jill, a manager in California, and talked to her about the problem. I explained the same to Jill. Eventually, the little conversation ended. Later, I was told by my manager that a customer has complained about me. It is always "somebody" who complains. I guess that "somebody" was the Qa troll. At least I wasn't fired, but I still think that quitting the job because of a customer is a great idea, though I haven't heard yet that quitting a great job because of a toxic customer is recommended. If you did it, you would have to leave your apartment immediately, and pack your stuff. In addition, I do not care to tell my friends and family and other judgers that I was fired because of such an incident or that I've quit because of a customer; I don't want on top of the experience to take verbal abuse about being unwise in that situation.