The Reclining Passenger ======================= Almost every day, I can find an item about the passenger who had reclined the seat and the passenger behind her punching her seat for that. The good thing is that the problem has gone viral with people arguing about who the jerk is: some say that the reclining passenger is inconsiderate, while others say that she had every right to recline because the seats are made for that. Damn it! If I pay for a ticket, I don't want to lose my leg room because of a reclining passenger. The last time I flew was about 15 years ago. I didn't know about Facebook or Twitter those days, so I tried using other forum systems and the e-mail to interest people in some action about the matter. I remember how I tried to call one airline and ask them to improve the conditions. I even wanted to interest other people to do something about the problem. I even tried to talk to a director at work about how terrible that airline was (and maybe still is), but all I could get is the reply "we buy tickets from the one where we find the cheapest fare". So, in my opinion, the airlines should improve the seats, so every passenger can have the flight as pleasant as possible.