WhatsApp, Restraint Orders, Matrix ================================== Because of a silent WhatsApp group protesters use to locate MK Simha Rothman, chairman of the Constitution Committee. wherever he goes and to protest there, Now Rothman tries to appeal to Jerusalm Magistrate Court in order to issue restraint orders against 400 protesters. In addition, he wants to shut down theie WhatsApp group. I read yesterday about a group of protest organizers who want to file a lawsuit against people who have made WhatsApp shut down their group by telling lies. I want to stay cool about it. If people are banned from WhatsApp, so be it. Why the zark should they use the well-known messenger to organize their protests against the government? Use something decentralized instead. I just published an article]1] on Medium about messengerdecentralized; networks; one of them is the messenger called Matrix. I use an application named Element (https:element.io) to access the Matrix server. You do not have to use the default Matrix server; chooes another if you like; you can even create your own Matrix server on a cloud. More details at: https://matrix.org They cannot ban you on all Matrix servers in the world! [1] https://medium.com/@amit_2283/the-pros-and-cons-of-decentralized-networks-eb685def4017