SEO, I Hate You =============== I have that site of mine hosted on Wordpress servers, I want to earn from my site. One day, I saw a link titled "Marketing", and decided to click it. I found there an upper menu bar with a menu titled "Traffic". This is great! You can learn there how to verify sites with Google, Bing, Pinterest and Yandex. Read it carefully. Having submitted sitemaps, I started looking at reports. I found that even when you write web addresses as plain text, they have to point to existing internet pages. Otherwise it is an error. It makes sense if your operating system recognizes the pattern, and allow you to open the link by a couple of mouse-clicks. I found later other things that Bing consider errors: too many "H1" tags, or too long ot too short description meta tags. So, if you have a good looking site with helpful information in it, it is not enough to make it popular: it is about playing by the rules. Many "H1" I have on the main page because this is the theme I've set. To take care of the description, I've learned from a blog that I have to install "Yoast SEO" plugin. Plugins are not available for basic plan site owners. I guess that WordPress does not care to help those who do not pay for hosting plans.