Sweet Revenge ============= The other day I was notified by e-mail that someone replied to one of my comments on YouTube. My comment was about a person who needs an etiquette lesson for using the LMGTFY site to answer my question. The reply I received was "You need a how to internet lesson". I don't want to show that troll that his or her reply pisses me off. And I don't want to argue with them and tell them they are wrong. So, I copied my comment to the clip board, deleted the posted one, and reposted my comment. That means that I sacrificed the upvotes I've received for my sweet revenge, but IDGAD about the upvotes. That's one thing successful people don't do: they don't care about upvotes on social media. I found yesterday on LinkedIn the topic "Idea of the Day: Criticism is a compliment" [1] So, I received a compliment from the troll, but the troll won't get criticized/complimented by me. [1] Gone.