The Living Earth ================ I am about to finish "Change the Story, Change the Future" by David C. Korten on the internet archive ( The book is about changing the story of Sacred Money and Markets into the story of Sacred Life and Living Earth. The latter is a story in which our earth is a ;iving things like an organism that consists of organs and cells. We belong to the Earth and not the other world around. In chapter 2 of book Genesis, verse 15 reads: And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it It for sure does not mean to exploit it and destroy it. The other story - that of Sacred Money and Markets is the story in which we live. It includes some entities Korten defines as corporate robots. They come to countries all over the world and exploit the Earth. This story includes stories of wars, military and weapons. Those weapons are a threat not only to humans and countries, but also to the environment. I can see on the news all the smoke that rises from bombarded places and the fires set to fields and forests. That destroys the earth on which we can depend. I hope the story of Living Earth is not of the joke genre.