Problems with a Wordpress Theme =============================== I have a blog in WordPress. It is a technical blog about hi-tech, and I want to appear professional, so I've chosen a theme named "Bloggy", it is a great one if you want your site to be free of mobile usability issues, so it will appear higher in Google searches. The theme is a responsive theme, so it must be friendly to mobile users. Yesterday I received a notification from Facebook about mobile usability issues. So, I decided to check what the heck problems the crawler has. I decided to look at the posts and edit with their block editor. I found there some problems: the first one was that not all the code was displayed: long lines were simply truncated. Another problem was that the sign ">" got replaced by ">"; what the heck? For the problem with the truncated code block, I found the solution in the web: Customize->CSS. I added there the following lines: .content pre { overflow: auto; } I think theme developers should provide bloggers with good overflow handling. For the other problem I clicked the question mark at the bottom of my dashboard to report the problem and get some help. They suggested that I switch from the Syntax Highlighter Code block type to "Code". I guess you know that I want to promote my blog, but I didn't write a link to it at the beginning which might cause others to quit reading. So, you can find my WordPress blog at