Small Victories Count 2020-07-07 by zlg Today, I wrestled some mistletoe into the cgit installation on my server. Not the plant, silly, a CommonMark-compliant parser! [1] Since the server runs Gentoo, I needed to write an ebuild for mistletoe to get it into the system-wide Python path, since Gentoo uses Portage for system-level Python and pip for user level... Thankfully my past experience as a contributor made this task easy, but any other distro would've let me install mistletoe at the system level from pip. Granted, Portage tracking it means you get correct package handling in terms of files, and don't have to rely on pip or the upstream dev uninstalling correctly. But, it does make exploring new things in Python land on the server a pain in the ass. Digression aside... My cgit installation now parses Markdown via mistletoe. Visually you won't notice (much of) a difference, but for me it provides a concrete Markdown style to adhere to that I can count on to be reasonably available in all flavors of Markdown. This means my README should, in theory, be renderable (and rendered more or less the same way) regardless of hosting platform. I did it the quick and dirty way: copied the existing md2html script from cgit upstream and tweaked it to suit mistletoe. Then I copied the script and replaced its call to md2html with my 'new' renderer, cm2html. Plug files into place, update cgitrc, and BANG! Thirty minutes, one load of stress off my mind after months. It's a small, but helpful victory that will help me move onto other issues. While doing this, I learned I probably should have a repository of files meant specifically for managing or customizing my server. Then, when I hack config files I can have a copy in git for later. Doing this would further reduce my computing stress, so maybe I'll do it this weekend. There's not a whole lot going on at my server, so it should be easy to put together. -z Playing: Zelda: Breath of the Wild Monster Hunter World Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate [1]: