One of the issues with the current state of the web is how ephemeral
       content is. Regardless of relevance, of historical importance, or
       any other consideration great content is constantly disappearing
       forever.  Hosting companies are sold and bought, services are shut
       idown, web forum databases are hacked down, … you name it.
       I’ve lost count by now how many great programming blogs I once
       bookmarked are no longer available. It’s not every day that you get
       ilucky with the Wayback Machine either.
       Java SWING programming has been on the decline for some time so the
       issue is very prevalent in this area. I’ll be archiving what I can.
 (TXT) Swing programming: Background JPanel
         Archived Sunday, April 15, 2018
         Many people want to know how to add a backgound image to a frame.
         The easiest way to do this is to add an image to a JLabel and
         then add the label to the frame.
 (IMG) Image 1
 (TXT) The code
 (TXT) Any issues reading this gopher hole?
 (TXT) Contact AndRAM
 (DIR) AndRAM's gopherhole root
 (DIR) People's Circumlunar Space Zaibatsu