       |   @ % * ‘,                                  ,’ * % @   |
       |     @ % * ‘,                              ,’ * % @     |
       |       @ % * >  In Living Gopher Colour!  < * % @       |
       |     @ % * ,’                              ’, * % @     |
       |   @ % * ,’                                  ’, * % @   |
         ~Details & How-to~ 
        Why GopherColour?
       A revolutionary manifesto for enhancing gopher menus with colour.
        How to paint with GopherColour.
       Tips and best practices for making pretty pictures in Gopher.
 (DIR) Templates
       Templates for download with the Secret Magic Colour Escape character.
       Server side scripts to style a gopherhole with terminal colours.
 (TXT) GopherColour2 - A Naïvely Immodest Proposal
       Technical specifications for a linespace-economical colour notation.
         ~Text Art~ 
 (DIR) Unicode / ASCII Art Folder
         ~External Links~ 
        GopherColour ready clients:
 (DIR) Bollox!
 (DIR) Bombadillo
       (Type “:set theme color” to enable.)
 (DIR) VF-1 & AV-98
       (A lovely phlog and/or glog reader)
       (A very colourful CLI client, with helpful icons.)
        Gopherholes & Geminicapsules decked with colour:
 (DIR) The Pinkest Hole in Gopherspace
       (A lovely Gemini site where you can grow your own lil plant 
       and tend hims.  Can activate GeminiColour in settings!)
        Web Sites:
        Telnet BBS: