Connecting... Connecting... Connection established. Processing... The console before you finally sputters to life, printing a scroll of text - the last hour of fiddling with antennas seems to have paid off, after all. You sit within a concealed nook at the outer edge of the Mare Tranquillitatis People's Circumlunar Zaibatsu, a portable terminal and radio transmitter/receiver alongside you. Your eyes scan over each line of the data before you. Somewhere deep within the rotting biome of the Zaibatsu, a system hosts and transmits a datastream known as "valravn's transmissions." It shares data pertaining to events local to this sector of the solar system, as well as the personal musings of its administrator. Normally, this stream is encrypted; from here, however, you can just barely connect to a system providing a limited cleartext variant. The data is organized into a few sections: (DIR) information Introductions, for me and this space. (DIR) *log - valravn's transmissions Musings on my personal experiences and interests. (DIR) hacks - projects and scripts A couple bits of software, of questionable quality. (DIR) exit to the zaibatsu