I'm far from an experienced coder, though lately I've been throwing
       a hat in the ring. At the moment, I'm primarily interested in working
       with the shell and with Go. My main forge is at sourcehut - anything 
       significant that I create will be hosted or mirrored there.
       > !ACHTUNG! The following links are https connections to sourcehut.
       > At the moment, there aren't unencrypted mirrors of my projects.
       atscraper - https://git.sr.ht/~valravn/atscraper
       atscraper is a tool for scraping music from audiotool, designed for
       my personal archival needs. It is not very elegant or scaleable - it's
       simply designed to scrape a list of audiotool urls for their respective
       mp3 files, in a way that I could spin up and put to use quickly.
       cep - https://git.sr.hr/~valravn/cep
       cep is a gemtext mirror of Wikipedia's current events portal, currently
       in a proof-of-concept stage. It's currently implemented with html2text,
       head, tail, and some ill-advised usage of sed - a more sane 
       implementation is planned.
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