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       Welcome to Zaledia.com gopherhole
       Some tools
 (TXT) Current time
 (QRY) ASCII banner generator
 (QRY) JPG to ASCII (input: URL ending in .jpg)
 (QRY) Weather forecast (input: City,CC)
 (QRY) PDF viewer (input: URL ending in .pdf)
 (QRY) Swiss Phonebook (input: Firstname Lastname)
 (QRY) Wikipedia gopher gateway
       Gopher version of my https://jsansonnens.ch blog (in french)
 (DIR) Phlog
       Gopher access to Zenalio.ch fediverse instance
 (DIR) Public timeline
 (DIR) Federated timeline
       List of known gopher servers (worldwide gopherspace)
 (DIR) List of active servers
 (DIR) List of dead servers
       My guestbook
 (TXT) Read the guestbook
 (QRY) Please sign the guestbook !
       -- 2019-2021 Zaledia.com --
 (HTM) Contact: Julien Sansonnens <julien@jsansonnens.ch>