Title: Weaponizing Taboos to Oust Undesirables Created: 2019-09-19 Alt-Title: How the "social justice" movement knocked down FOSS for PC corporatism Author: zlg Edited: 2020-05-25 (Warning: you're probably going to be offended by these words. I don't care. Nobody forced you to visit this page and nobody will mind if you leave.) In recent drama, Richard Stallman has been painted as a rape and pedophilia apologist, and defending a sex trafficker. I won't link to sources because they don't deserve the revenue. The whole Internet is buzzing about this misrepresentation presented as fact, and it's disgusting. The statements written by Stallman caution readers to consider the specific charge when accusing someone of something, to ensure that the facts and the appropriate charge are used; and with it, states that his (deceased) colleague Minsky, if he had sex with one of the young women, it was likely he did not know she was trafficked or was being coerced. In such a situation, Minsky may have been guilty of statutory rape at worst, without further knowledge of the interactions. (i.e. if he had sex with her, he would have unknowningly committed sexual assault; the young woman would still be a victim, but the crime is different) Witnesses have claimed that the young woman propositioned him (under duress perhaps) and Minsky declined. So, the media has knocked over a pedestal -- symbolically if nothing else -- of the FOSS community using misinformation tactics and playing into peoples' deeply held beliefs. How did they do it? Through outrage, lying, and taboo. Taboo is a cultural ban on something. It's supposed to be reserved for actions or behaviors considered detrimental to a functioning society, to encourage good habits over bad. Y'know, things like having sex in public, urinating or defecating in public, invading someone's personal space, intimidating someone, etc. It's also a short in the circuit of rational thought when used as a weapon. Normally rational people will be brought to a foaming rage when the right combination of evocative words is used, because their culture has told them to believe a certain way about something. What is curious is what people are really crying foul about: Stallman's history of controversial opinions regarding pedophilia and consensual sex with minors. Firstly, a distinction: pedophilia is defined as the sexual desire for prepubescent children. It comes from Greek /pais/ (genitive /paidos/) (child) and /philos/ (loving). A feeling on its own does not harm anyone, and that distinction needs to be made if we are going to cope with pedophilia as a maladaptive trait. Feelings and fantasies are normal things to have; people are not expected to *act* on their fantasies, because a civilized society demands that people control their impulses. We as a society should be able to distinguish thought from action, and help those who have thoughts that we believe may be problematic by steering the behavior toward something healthier. The more controversial view appears to be Stallman's argumentation regarding consent, and more specifically on how arbitrarily the line gets drawn. All case studies conducted regarding pedophilia and the effects of sex with children have involved sexual assault. Stallman is not saying that people should go out and diddle children. He is saying that to have a robust understanding of the problem as a scientist, you need to consider other variable values. That includes instances of adult-child sex where both walked away feeling positive. Or, in SJW speak, cases where a child was convinced they consented to sex and walked away positive until someone told them it was bad. To deny that possibility is myopic at best. Now, the real beef culture has here is the belief that *no child can consent to sex and therefore cannot enjoy it*. Well, why can't children consent? Scientifically speaking, their brains are not fully developed yet. Adults are literally smarter, stronger, and have more social influence (depending on the group). The power dynamic is lopsided. But what is consent? Sexual consent is agreeing to let the other person touch you in a way that brings you to climax. It's trusting someone with your body, to not hurt it, disfigure it, shame it, or bruise it. You're trusting them to bring pleasure instead of suffering. Why is a child incapable of that? Further, why is it so forbidden to ask frank and earnest questions such as this? Taboos must be backed up with reasoning and evidence if they are to be taken seriously. We don't let people piss in the street because it makes people sick and smells bad. We don't let people diddle children under a certain age because we're afraid of what it might do to them. We think that an adult can only ever abuse power in such a situation, but never think twice about the concept of a child's agency and consent. Psychologists have noted sexual behavior in children as early as 4 and 5 years of age. Like it or not, children will feel these impulses -- they just won't know what they are for a while. At that stage of development, the sexual behavior is purely idle instinct. By their teen years, children are typically aware of which sex, if either, they are attracted to. It's part of growing up. Now to tie it together, we draw a line somewhere that, magically, a child graduates from "no you cannot consent to sex and we'll ruin the life of anyone you DO have sex with" to "ok have fun and use protection". What kind of message is that sending about sex as a subject? All adults were once children. We remember puberty and our teen years. What could adults do for children who are discovering their sexual sides to help them explore concepts that are central to healthy sexual lifestyles? For those not following, I'm talking about education and open communication, not having sex with them. How many parents are able to have candid and supportive conversations about sex with their children? To teach them about consent, dos and don'ts, how to identify harassing behavior, etc. These are essential skills for adulthood and yet nobody really teaches them. We are afraid of what will happen to children when they are exposed to sex, but do little to prepare them to figure it out for themselves, even. Stallman did not advocate for anything worth calling for his expulsion over. He asked for people to use the correct words so they do not misrepresent past events or conflate legal accusations. In a legal context, especially, words and charges take on different meaning. There's a difference between sex trafficking and sexual assault, and pedophilia is not a crime because it describes a feeling. The problem is in turning that thought into action, and only under a certain line that differs between jurisdictions. By definition, the line is arbitrary. Here's where it turns black. All of this hooting and hollering (which has struck tons of communities and individuals, like Opal, FreeBSD, Linus Torvalds, Theodore T'so, and now Richard Stallman) has pointed the spotlight on key people to shame them for various perceived cultural missteps that can only be described as "they said something I don't like". Strangely, it's only been striking the libre software community for about the past 4-5 years. Some butthurt hackers get denied from a group or a project, pretend it has something to do with their identity, and rally pitchforks to mobilize the media to usurp control of the narrative by shaming and excluding prominent figures using misleading and polarizing tactics to foment controversy and poor optics. It's the equivalent of an angry mob showing up at your work and demanding your removal or they block business deals until they get their way. It's not a choice; it's an ultimatum. Social justice is better described as an illegitimate younger sibling to real justice, who works through conniving and underhanded ways, targets the socially less adept (especially those on the autism spectrum), and checks boxes on diversity lists. A legal court must follow some semblance of procedure and legitimacy to enact its justice. Social justice is no better than petty thuggery that is damaging a significant portion of our culture, all because some dare to think (and speak) differently from them. How tolerant and inclusive. I see this series of character assassinations as a campaign to discredit the libre software movement and replace it with the politically correct, never "problematic" corporate-driven open source model. By the way, could some SJW define what "problematic" means in newspeak for me? Doubleplusthanks. Culturally, America is a nation that is ever more fearful and outraged as we keep melting away privacy and security in our lives in the pursuit of endless growth and a feeling of safety. Painting someone to be defending a shitstain who is now dead in order to remove his wholly earned position and legacy as a free software advocate is the most intellectually dishonest thing I've seen all year. I hope this bites you all in the ass as people put the pieces of your corrupt, desperate agenda together. And the responses from the libre software community are atrocious. You completely took the bait and didn't read Stallman's words. I will not be donating to the Free Software Foundation or any other organization that lacks reading comprehension skills. I've donated to over 4 projects this year, to vote with my wallet. I had considered donating to the FSF in the past, but the sacrifice of your leader to appease the vigilantes is dishonorable and I will not reward that behavior. Shame on all of you. Do yourself a favor and stop reading JUST the headline. There are sociopaths (high social skills, low empathy) in our midst and they want control. They are not afraid to mislead to gain the advantage. Don't give it to them. I very much want Richard to stick around as a (now independent) prominent voice for freedom. He actually practices what he preaches, and his dedication is how I was able to learn programming. Without the GPL, I wouldn't have had access to a toolchain that is free of charge and provides the source along with it. I grew up poor, and without any access to formal computer education. His contributions to mankind outstrip anything the outrage peddlers can come up with. Perhaps the social justice movement should try building something for themselves instead of tearing down what others have built. -z