zlg's Guestbook
       This is where you can leave feedback for me to read. I typically
       won't censor anything except spam and harassment. It's especially
       useful if you know of any Gopherspaces that are worth reading! If it's
       interesting to me, it might end up in the "Other Gopherholes" page.
       When commenting, tell me about yourself and/or what brings you to
       gopherspace. It'd be nice to see how far my little gopherhole is
       Note: All timestamps are UTC (Universal Coordinated Time).
 (QRY) Add your own comment
                                      - - - - -
       comment 104
       2024-06-13 20:02
                                      - - - - -
       comment 103
       2024-06-03 23:00
           People like Gopher. I think because when they see him for the first
           time, they ask: “Wow! It's really is be possible?”
                                      - - - - -
       comment 102
       2024-06-02 23:28
           (cont'd from @101) also lots of niche and nerdy content on here that
           is harder to find on the Web. Stuff like HAM radio, retro computing,
           DSP fiddling, etc. --zlg
                                      - - - - -
       comment 101
       2024-06-02 23:26
           It took 8 years but congrats on getting the 100th comment! lol That
           aside, I think a lot of Gopherholes start out with little in the way
           of direction, and evolve as the author explores or thinks more about
           things. A lot end up just as phlogs, but there's
                                      - - - - -
       comment 100
       2024-05-28 09:15
           My situation is the opposite. I'm worried that I won't be scolded
           for using too much traffic in Gopher :) In fact a just need to
           understand what you want to offer people. Most Gopher Holes are
           one-page messages: "I'm alive, I was here." In general, it seems to
           me that this protocol is the future. People are tired of HTTPs
                                      - - - - -
       comment 99
       2024-05-27 11:22
           The mid-2010s was an interesting time where forward-thinking techies
           were looking backwards, pining for something simpler than HTTP.
           Now that Gopher's been rediscovered, Gemini has been made, and
           ActivityPub is taking off, we're seeing a bit less participation
           than we had during the early hey-day of Bongusta. My own Gopherhole
           has been off- and on-line since 2016. It seems to be the nature of
           the 'net. --zlg
                                      - - - - -
       comment 98
       2024-05-27 09:08
           In Gopher, if exclude the TOR network, there are approximately 400
           servers in Online. In fact, this is very little. Just 6 years ago
           there were many times more of them. I borrowed Gopher hosting to
           develop the Gopher:// space. In fact, basic things are missing.
           Free Gopher hosting with FTP access and normal virtual disk space,
           free guest book service and other. This is the base for future
           development of GopherSpace. Thanks for conversations.
                                      - - - - -
       comment 97
       2024-05-27 06:22
           @96 Maybe that will be the topic of my next post. This code could
           use some review anyway. :) --zlg
                                      - - - - -
       comment 96
       2024-05-26 08:11
           Yes, here: gopher://shibboleths.org/1/home/gb Unfortunately there
           are not so many of them. It seems that most people, including
           myself, have problems setting up a guestbook for Gopher.
                                      - - - - -
       comment 95
       2024-05-26 06:31
           @94 that's an interesting idea. Do you have a link to a list of
           guestbooks you've foiund thus far? --zlg
                                      - - - - -
       comment 94
       2024-05-22 08:56
           I'm collecting links to all the Gopher guestbooks so I can read them
           to stay up to date with all the goings-on on GopherSpace. There are
           very few guest books at Gopher. Therefore, I would be grateful if
           you share links to new guest books. Guestbooks always contain new
           links to other Gopher holers.
                                      - - - - -
       comment 93
       2024-05-22 07:27
           Thanks for the new links to look at, guys! I enjoy coming back to
           this page to remember why I hang out on Gopher. :) I took the
           opportunity to clean up the comments a little and reformat
           multi-post comments for easier viewing. I left a 'transparency
           trail' behind as to what happened to each comment affected.
           Yeah, it's a bit crazy for a little guestbook, but I'm
           testing some ideas here before I expand them. Please let me
           know what you guys think of this small change to viewing
           comments. --zlg
                                      - - - - -
       comment 92
       2024-05-16 19:45
           Hello from gopher://zaibatsu.circumlunar.space/1/~zaphodb/
                                      - - - - -
       comment 91
       2024-05-13 10:24
           [removed: spam]
                                      - - - - -
       comment 90
       2024-03-20 20:57
           Hello from gopher://shibboleths.org Happy gophering!
                                      - - - - -
       comment 89
       2024-03-09 18:53
           This is nice, Gopher is a nice, simple protocol.
                                      - - - - -
       comment 88
       2024-03-09 18:51
           This is a comment
                                      - - - - -
       comment 87
       2024-02-18 12:19
                                      - - - - -
       comment 86
       2024-02-18 12:19
                                      - - - - -
       comment 85
       2024-01-16 07:20
           test numero dos.
                                      - - - - -
       comment 84
       2024-01-15 16:40
           Yet another test, we're recovering from a drive failure that
           happened at the end of 2023. The Underground lives on! --zlg
                                      - - - - -
       comment 83
       2023-11-13 17:22
           Saying hi from sunny california. Keep it up!
                                      - - - - -
       comment 82
       2023-06-29 19:35
           Hello from the Netherlands
           Keep on Gophering !
                                      - - - - -
       comment 81
       2023-04-08 06:58
           testing in 2023
                                      - - - - -
       comment 80
       2022-09-05 06:44
           y helo thar
                                      - - - - -
       comment 79
       2022-04-11 01:49
           I'm a lumberjack and I'm okay.
                                      - - - - -
       comment 78
       2022-03-22 00:26
           hello from gopher://magical.fish
                                      - - - - -
       comment 77
       2022-03-07 11:08
           [removed: bad request]
                                      - - - - -
       comment 76
       2022-03-05 07:10
           [removed: bad request]
                                      - - - - -
       comment 75
       2022-01-23 18:05
           Greetings from gopher://gopherspace.de - German Gopher Service
                                      - - - - -
       comment 74
       2021-12-13 22:44
           [removed: duplicate of @73]
                                      - - - - -
       comment 73
       2021-12-13 22:41
           Hi :D interesting gopherhole, thx
                                      - - - - -
       comment 72
       2021-11-04 17:06
           Good afternoon. I propose to exchange links. If you are
           interested, please write the answer in my guestbook. Thanks.
                                      - - - - -
       comment 71
       2021-11-01 19:38
           @65: The gopherhole's code is hosted at
           https://git.zlg.space/gopher. I've been making improvements lately.
           :) -- zlg
                                      - - - - -
       comment 70
       2021-10-31 00:44
           Commenting has been fixed! --zlg
                                      - - - - -
       comment 69
       2021-06-18 16:57
                                      - - - - -
       comment 68
       2020-12-07 19:37
                                      - - - - -
       comment 67
       2020-11-20 12:52
           Hello world
                                      - - - - -
       comment 66
       2020-10-06 03:26
                                      - - - - -
       comment 65
       2020-09-26 13:49
           Hi from gopher://yasendfile.org. Keep up the nice gopher work!
           Perhaps we can share guestbook scripts ;-)
                                      - - - - -
       comment 64
       2020-07-21 03:36
           Hi Hayden! Thanks for such a long comment, sorry I missed it by over
           a month! Cool stuff on your gopherhole; your infrastructure diagrams
           are pretty nice! I'll add it to my links page. :) --zlg
                                      - - - - -
       comment 63
       2020-06-14 00:28
           [combined to @60]
                                      - - - - -
       comment 62
       2020-06-08 16:34
           [combined to @60]
                                      - - - - -
       comment 61
       2020-06-08 16:33
           [combined to @60]
                                      - - - - -
       comment 60
       2020-06-08 16:29
           [combined and formatted for easier viewing]
           [haydenh, please reach out if my formatting is wrong --zlg]
           Hi from gopher://haydenvh.com:73. I saw some discussion of gopher
           clients here, so I thought I'd chip in with one that I found
           and started modifiying and maintaining. The original source is
           http://github.com/kieselsteini/cgo, and my version of it can be
           found here git://haydenvh.com/cgo.
           The client is written in C, and there is a small shell script that
           goes along with it, that is used as a plumber, for handing off
           files to be opened by external programs. All navigation is done
           with the keyboard, with each link being assigned a certain key
           (aa, ab, ac ... zz, aaa, aab ..., zzz).  All other commands are
           done using punctuation, and they can perform different
           functionality when a string is appended to them.
           My personal reason for coming to gopherspace is primarily the fact
           that when I want to write something, I can just start typing it,
           without having to care much about how my markdown is going to look
           in html form, etc. I also love the scriptability that I have on
           the gopher server I use, geoymidae. I've since written a bit about
           it here:
           gopher://haydenvh.com:73/1/git/cgo.gph --haydenh
                                      - - - - -
       comment 59
       2020-05-25 17:23
           I have made my VGStash database available publicly for people to
           crunch, via JSON file. Check out the announcements section for more
           details. --zlg
                                      - - - - -
       comment 58
       2020-03-22 20:31
           testing again
                                      - - - - -
       comment 57
       2019-12-30 17:27
           Hello from gopher://tildecow.com Thanks for the Phun!
                                      - - - - -
       comment 56
       2019-12-23 22:20
                                      - - - - -
       comment 55
       2019-11-05 03:28
           Just tossing another comment onto the pile to show I'm still around.
           Life's been crazy but I'm still here! --zlg
                                      - - - - -
       comment 54
       2019-07-23 03:15
           The server was down for a while as I was swapping OSes out. It
           should be more stable from now on. --zlg
                                      - - - - -
       comment 53
       2019-06-18 01:57
           I finally had the chance to pull off the migration. The gopherhole's
           content is rearranged. There are more things to iron out yet, but
           the "big" work is done. --zlg
                                      - - - - -
       comment 52
       2019-06-17 02:50
           The phlog has been completely removed as of today. Links pointing to
           entries will no longer work. Thanks to those who read it over the
           years. --zlg
                                      - - - - -
       comment 51
       2019-05-01 00:28
           The phlog has been closed as of today. --zlg
                                      - - - - -
       comment 50
       2019-04-22 03:22
           hi from magical.fish:70
                                      - - - - -
       comment 49
       2019-04-12 02:36
           Thanks for this space
                                      - - - - -
       comment 48
       2019-01-31 17:35
           Greetz from cyberspace - gopher://InfinitelyRemote.com
                                      - - - - -
       comment 47
       2019-01-26 16:07
           @46: Thanks for the link! I've had a passing interest in Plan
           9 for a while, maybe I'll throw it into a VM and give it an
           honest shot. --zlg
                                      - - - - -
       comment 46
       2019-01-26 15:55
           plan9 from gopherspace -- kamalatta.ddnss.de
                                      - - - - -
       comment 44
       2018-08-10 04:15
           @42: It is indeed one of the easiest ways to find feeds, since
           they tend to hang out in the head element. It's not so easy
           to find in a mobile browser, though, which is why I added the
           extra link at the bottom. Thanks for the tip though! --zlg
                                      - - - - -
       comment 42
       2018-08-08 18:55
           Hey, so I was just reading your post about RSS feed
           discoverability, and I found that the simplest way for me to
           find the feeds was by using firefox to look directly as the
           source of the page. It's usually near the top of the page, and
           one can search the source to find the feed.
                                      - - - - -
       comment 41
       2018-08-05 08:09
           The website now has its subscribe link, at the bottom. --zlg
                                      - - - - -
       comment 40
       2018-07-29 08:26
           @39: Thanks! It's a simple fix, and doesn't disrupt the
           average site design due to how common footers with lists of
           links are. As a side note, lynx seems to cut off my database
           queries once it reaches the edge of the screen... Does it do
           that for you? --zlg
                                      - - - - -
       comment 39
       2018-07-29 03:42
           the bit about adding a visible link to your feed is a very
           good suggestion. lynx will still show feeds at the top, but
           the share of the browser world held by lynx is tiny. - jynx
                                      - - - - -
       comment 38
       2018-07-01 06:28
                                      - - - - -
       comment 37
       2018-06-24 22:45
                                      - - - - -
       comment 36
       2018-06-11 13:06
           Hi! Good stuff.
                                      - - - - -
       comment 33
       2018-02-12 10:08
           This comment is made using vf1 as well. I've noticed that I
           cannot use the 'less' command without some sort of tmpfile,
           which vf1 can't seem to create. Do I need to do anything
           special to fix this? --zlg
                                      - - - - -
       comment 32
       2018-02-11 09:10
           Hey ZLG, Solderpunk here, testing your guestbook with VF-1!
           Expect an email from me in the near future on this matter.
                                      - - - - -
       comment 31
       2018-02-06 20:46
           @30: Thanks! ASCII art's more difficult than it looks, but the
           effect is well worth it. --zlg
                                      - - - - -
       comment 30
       2018-02-04 11:11
           hi zlg, you have created a nice place here. i'll come back
           later for reading more of your articles. your ascii-art is
           beautiful. --kroovy
                                      - - - - -
       comment 29
       2017-12-02 22:19
           Gopher clients are super easy to write. I have a server
           that I wrote in python. You can just do the complement.
                                      - - - - -
       comment 28
       2017-11-20 22:43
           love your blog, keep it up! --boomlinde
                                      - - - - -
       comment 27
       2017-10-29 00:32
           @26 currently I use lynx on my desktop and Overbite Android
           for my phone. Neither are optimal. When I get the gumption,
           I'm considering building a gopher client in Python (or maybe
           C), since there really aren't any good ones out there. --zlg
                                      - - - - -
       comment 26
       2017-10-28 21:52
           What does everyone use to browse the gophersphere?
           After much research, I landed on this
                                      - - - - -
       comment 25
       2017-10-26 22:57
           I like to stab li poly batteries with a needle until they make
           big fire. also I miss chester from linkin park.
                                      - - - - -
       comment 24
       2017-08-14 00:44
           Greetings from Wyoming! I am also running a gopher
           server on an RPi3 - The Raspberry Pi of Death -
                                      - - - - -
       comment 22
       2017-06-11 23:05
           Keep on keeping on! :)
                                      - - - - -
       comment 21
       2017-05-13 02:36
           @20 Great to hear! I've been meaning to get back to EO as
           well. I beat EO1 but the 6th stratum is a pain! I might just
           move onto EO2... --zlg
                                      - - - - -
       comment 20
       2017-04-11 19:55
           Your gopherhole instilled me with great interest in dungeon
           crawlers. Starting Legend of Grimrock and Etrian Odyssey when
           I fix a DS that's laying around.
                                      - - - - -
       comment 18
       2017-02-19 05:46
           Greetings from dusted.dk! Really cool gopherhole! I'll be
           checking up on this! By the way, check out npm gopher-lib :)
                                      - - - - -
       comment 15
       2017-01-01 07:32
           @13 I checked your gopherhole out just the other night and
           like how each page's content is behind a 'link', so it's not
           inundating the navigation. Self-hosting is a great idea,
           and becoming more attractive as more companies try to run
           analytics on people. Stay safe out there, and thanks for
           visiting! --zlg
                                      - - - - -
       comment 14
       2017-01-01 07:30
           @11 Glad to know someone else appreciates the design of older
           games! I'm actually not done with that article; I plan to
           cover a few more games with it in the future. I agree that a
           lot of people don't experiment as much as they used to, and
           the design of many things suffers as a result. Thanks for
           visiting! --zlg
                                      - - - - -
       comment 13
       2016-12-28 13:06
           Great gopherhole! I'm digging my own at dusted.dk but it may
           not be of interest, thought I'm a fellow programmer! :) I like
           the idea of an Internet that is more than the web and more
           than "Apps" and commercial services. All have computers, all
           build it!
                                      - - - - -
       comment 11
       2016-12-23 15:07
           Guten Tag, mein Freund! I grew up with SNES, and MMX was
           my absolute-favorite cartridge. The thing is, my parents
           got most of my games used, which never came with a manual.
           I never asked questions; I just played them and see'd what
           happen'd. Over time, people just started asking more and more
           questions, afraid to "just do it and see what happens." Props
           for remembering Super Metroid too. What a fantastic lot of
           entertainment. --Brian G
                                      - - - - -
       comment 10
       2016-10-19 11:37
           @9 I hope you enjoy your travels!
                                      - - - - -
       comment 9
       2016-10-11 01:02
           Just browsing the gopherspace.
                                      - - - - -
       comment 8
       2016-10-07 12:21
                                      - - - - -
       comment 7
       2016-07-07 12:28
           @6: Yeah, Firefox has been odd ever since the Australis UI
           got pushed. With Hello, Pocket, and the upcoming deprecation
           of their extension system, Mozilla is taking things in a
           direction I'm not sure is best for the Web. I enjoyed the
           ideas that uzbl represented: using an embeddable browser
           engine and creating simple plumbing around it to facilitate
           user needs is the most UNIX-y way to do it, and has the
           potential to build a broad and active community. afaik, uzbl's
           not even active anymore, which is a shame.
                                      - - - - -
       comment 6
       2016-06-28 15:58
           So-called "modern" web browsers mostly suck. That is why
           SeaMonkey ("unofficial" community-driven software) is better
           than Firefox (official commercial product of the Mozilla
                                      - - - - -
       comment 4
       2016-06-27 18:49
           I've had similar results in Firefox and noticed the same
           things, except text files would never render in UTF-8 unless
           I told it to. The last time I checked up on Firefox settings,
           upstream seemed to have actively removed UTF-8-by-default
           stating "UTF-8 is not a legacy encoding so we
           shouldn't list it in fallbacks." I'll recheck my settings to
           see if I can find a way around it. Good to know Floodgap's
           listing is bringing some visitors! :)
                                      - - - - -
       comment 3
       2016-06-26 00:11
           There is a way to use OverbiteFF with UTF-8 by default
           (without any manual switching). I use SeaMonkey with
           OverbiteFF extension for Gopher. My settings are:
           1)Settings->Languages->Encoding by default->UTF-8;
           2)View->Encoding->Autodetection->None in SeaMonkey graphical
           menu. The result? All Gopher menus (type 1) and text files
           (type 0) are rendered as UTF-8. But if I encounter a Gopher
           menu or a text document in any encoding other than UTF-8, I
           have to manually switch. P.S.: I came across your hole through
                                      - - - - -
       comment 2
       2016-06-16 02:51
           Testing, one two.
                                      - - - - -
       comment 1
       2016-06-16 00:47