V e r d a n t   M i a s m a
       a Mednafen palette for METROID II: RETURN OF SAMUS
       by zlg
       Rename 'mednafen-metroid2.pal' to match the file name of the GB ROM.
       So, if your Metroid 2 ROM is 'metroid2.gb', rename the palette to
       Next, put it where Mednafen stores palettes. This location is
       OS-dependent, but typically the paths are:
           The same path the mednafen.exe file is found. So if it's in a
           'mednafen' directory in your homedir, the palette dir will be
       The next time you start Metroid 2, it should match the screenshots
       supplied below!
 (BIN) mednafen-metroid2.pal
 (IMG) palette-entrance.png
 (IMG) palette-items.png
 (IMG) palette-pickup.png
 (IMG) palette.png
 (IMG) palette-start.png
 (IMG) palette-title.png