tAdd danish localization - andersdamsgaard.com - my photography webpage
 (HTM) git clone git://src.adamsgaard.dk/andersdamsgaard.com
 (DIR) Log
 (DIR) Files
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 (DIR) commit 080c29951951c7bb0c77f2765e058b104db0cf51
 (DIR) parent d9063e0ff96a1f8977c0960b85f5c0c9bb9215ad
 (HTM) Author: Anders Damsgaard <anders@adamsgaard.dk>
       Date:   Sun,  4 Nov 2018 22:15:54 +0100
       Add danish localization
         M config.toml                         |      24 +++++++++++++++++++++---
         A content/about/_index.da.md          |      17 +++++++++++++++++
         M content/about/_index.md             |       6 +++---
         A content/posts/danish_seascapes/ind… |       7 +++++++
         A content/posts/patterns/index.da.md  |       7 +++++++
         A content/posts/pinelands/index.da.md |       7 +++++++
         A content/posts/thy/index.da.md       |       7 +++++++
         A content/prints/_index.da.md         |      11 +++++++++++
         M content/prints/_index.md            |       4 ++--
         A themes/tale-mod/layouts/_default/s… |      67 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
         A themes/tale-mod/layouts/_default/s… |      48 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
         M themes/tale-mod/layouts/index.html  |       6 ++++++
       12 files changed, 203 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
 (DIR) diff --git a/config.toml b/config.toml
       t@@ -1,11 +1,29 @@
       -baseURL = "https://andersdamsgaard.com/"
       -languageCode = "en-us"
       -title = "Anders Damsgaard"
        theme = "tale-mod"
       +defaultContentLanguage = "en"
          author = "Anders Damsgaard"
       +  [languages.en]
       +    baseURL = "https://andersdamsgaard.com/"
       +    title = "Anders Damsgaard"
       +    languageName = "English"
       +    languageCode = "en"
       +  [languages.da]
       +    baseURL = "https://andersdamsgaard.dk/"
       +    title = "Anders Damsgaard"
       +    languageCode = "da"
       +    languageName = "Dansk"
       +    weight = 2
       +    [languages.da.params.navigation]
       +      home = "Hjem"
       +      portfolio = "Portefølje"
       +      prints = "Trykte billeder"
       +      about = "Om mig"
       +    [[languages.da.menu.main]]
        # Default resample filter used for resizing. Default is Box,
        # a simple and fast averaging filter appropriate for downscaling.
 (DIR) diff --git a/content/about/_index.da.md b/content/about/_index.da.md
       t@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
       +title: Om Anders
       +date: 2018-09-15
       +Jeg er en dansk fotograf med interesse for sort-hvide billeder. Jeg foretrækker 
       +lange eksponeringer og filmkameraer, hvor omhyggelig omtanke for visuel 
       +komposition og timing er essentiel. Lange eksponeringer får vand i bevægelse 
       +til at fremstå som glas, skyer bliver til slørede og abstrakte linjer, og 
       +travle mennesker forsvinder fra billedet.
       +I min professionelle tilværelse forsker jeg i klima, granulære materialer, og 
       +gletschere. Besøg min [akademiske hjemmeside](https://adamsgaard.dk) for mere 
       +information herom.
       +{{< imgproc "anders_damsgaard_portrait.png" Resize "x1000" >}}
 (DIR) diff --git a/content/about/_index.md b/content/about/_index.md
       t@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ tags:
        I am a danish photographer with an interest in black and white imagery. I tend 
        to favor long exposures and film cameras, where careful consideration of visual 
       -composition and timing are essential. During long exposures water turns to 
       -glass, skies turn to blurred entities and diffuse lines, and moving people 
       -vanish from view.
       +composition and timing are essential. Long exposures makes water appear as 
       +matte glass, skies turn to blurred entities and diffuse lines, and moving 
       +people vanish from view.
        In my other life I am a scientist interested in climate, granular materials, 
        and glaciers. For more information, please see my [academic 
 (DIR) diff --git a/content/posts/danish_seascapes/index.da.md b/content/posts/danish_seascapes/index.da.md
       t@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
       +title: Hav
       +date: 2018-09-16
       +gallery: true
 (DIR) diff --git a/content/posts/patterns/index.da.md b/content/posts/patterns/index.da.md
       t@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
       +title: Mønstre
       +date: 2018-09-11
       +gallery: true
 (DIR) diff --git a/content/posts/pinelands/index.da.md b/content/posts/pinelands/index.da.md
       t@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
       +title: Pinelands
       +date: 2018-09-16
       +gallery: true
 (DIR) diff --git a/content/posts/thy/index.da.md b/content/posts/thy/index.da.md
       t@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
       +title: Thy
       +date: 2018-09-21
       +gallery: true
 (DIR) diff --git a/content/prints/_index.da.md b/content/prints/_index.da.md
       t@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
       +title: Printede billeder
       +Alle fotografier præsenteret på denne side er til salg som høj-kvalitetsprint, 
       +produceret på papir af museumsstandard og med høj holdbarhed. Hvert billede er 
       +begrænset til 25 kopier, som er underskrevet og numereret i hånden.
       +Kontakt mig venligst [via email](prints@andersdamsgaard.dk) for mere 
       +information vedrørende pris, størrelser, muligheder for indramning, og 
 (DIR) diff --git a/content/prints/_index.md b/content/prints/_index.md
       t@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ title: Prints
        All photographs presented on this page are available as high-quality prints 
       -produced on fine-art paper of archival quality. Each image is limited to a 
       -total of 25 prints, which are signed and numbered by hand.
       +produced on fine-art paper of archival grade. Each image is limited to a total 
       +of 25 prints, which are signed and numbered by hand.
        Please contact me [by email](prints@andersdamsgaard.dk) to inquire about 
        pricing, sizes, framing options, and delivery estimates.
 (DIR) diff --git a/themes/tale-mod/layouts/_default/single.da.html b/themes/tale-mod/layouts/_default/single.da.html
       t@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
       +{{- partial "header.html" . }}
       +    <div class="post">
       +        <div class="post-info">
       +            {{- if .Params.Author }}
       +                {{ .Params.Author }}
       +            {{/*- else */}}
       +                {{/* .Site.Params.Author */}}
       +            {{- end }}
       +        </div>
       +        <h1 class="post-title">{{ .Title }}</h1>
       +        <div class="post-line"></div>
       +        {{ .Content }}
       +        {{/* Loop over images, insert them with a width of 700 px, and name them incrementally */}}
       +        {{- if .Params.gallery }}
       +            {{ $scratch := newScratch }}
       +            {{ $scratch.Set "basename" .Title }}
       +            {{ with .Resources.ByType "image" }}
       +                {{ $scratch.Set "counter" 0 }}
       +                {{ range . }}
       +                {{/* $scratch.Set "image" (.Resize "1200x q90") */}}
       +                {{ $scratch.Set "image" (.Fit "1200x1200 q90") }}
       +                {{ $image := $scratch.Get "image" }}
       +                {{/* $image.Sharpen 0.5 */}}
       +                <figure style="padding: 0.0rem; margin: 2rem 0;
       +                    background-color: #ffffff">
       +                    <img src='{{ $image.RelPermalink }}'
       +                         title='{{ $scratch.Get "basename" }} {{ printf "%02d" ( $scratch.Get "counter" ) }}'
       +                         >
       +                         <!-- width="{{ $image.Width }}" height="{{ $image.Height }}"> -->
       +                    <!-- <figcaption> -->
       +                    <!--     <small> -->
       +                    <!--         <center> -->
       +                    <!--             {{ $scratch.Get "basename" }} {{ printf "%02d" ( $scratch.Get "counter" ) }} -->
       +                    <!--         </center> -->
       +                    <!--     </small> -->
       +                    <!-- </figcaption> -->
       +                </figure>
       +                <br>
       +                    {{ $scratch.Add "counter" 1 }}
       +                {{ end }}
       +            {{ end }}
       +        {{- end }}
       +    </div>
       +    <div class="pagination">
       +        {{- if .PrevPage }}
       +        <!-- <a href="{{ .PrevPage.URL }}" class="left arrow">&#8592; Previous</a> -->
       +        <a href="{{ .PrevPage.URL }}" class="right arrow">Næste serie &#8594;</a>
       +        {{- end }}
       +        {{- if .NextPage }}
       +        <!-- <a href="{{ .NextPage.URL }}" class="right arrow">Next &#8594;</a> -->
       +        <a href="{{ .NextPage.URL }}" class="left arrow">&#8592; Forrige serie</a>
       +        {{- end }}
       +        <a href="{{ .Site.BaseURL }}" class="top">Hjem</a>
       +        <!-- <a href="#" class="top">Top</a> -->
       +    </div>
       +{{- partial "footer.html" . }}
 (DIR) diff --git a/themes/tale-mod/layouts/_default/summary.da.html b/themes/tale-mod/layouts/_default/summary.da.html
       t@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
       +{{- if .Params.gallery }}
       +{{- else}}
       +<time datetime="{{ .PublishDate }}" class="catalogue-time">{{ .PublishDate.Format "January 2, 2006" }}</time>
       +{{- end}}
       +<h1 class="catalogue-title">{{ .Title }}</h1>
       +<div class="catalogue-line"></div>
       +{{- if .Params.gallery }}
       +    <!-- <a href="{{ .Permalink }}"> -->
       +    <!--     <img src="{{ .Permalink }}/{{ .Params.thumbnail }}" alt="{{ .Title }}" /> -->
       +    <!-- </a> -->
       +    <br>
       +    <!-- <div class="w3-row"> -->
       +        <!-- <div class="w3-col s12 m4 l4"> -->
       +            {{ $scratch := newScratch }}
       +            {{ $scratch.Set "pagetitle" .Title }}
       +            {{ with .Resources.ByType "image" }}
       +            {{ $scratch.Set "counter" 0 }}
       +            {{ range first 3 . }}
       +            {{/* $scratch.Set "image" (.Resize "200x") */}}
       +            {{ $scratch.Set "image" (.Fill "200x200") }}
       +            {{ $image := $scratch.Get "image" }}
       +            <img src="{{ $image.RelPermalink }}"
       +                 style="display: inline; padding: 1.0em;"
       +                 title='{{ $scratch.Get "pagetitle" }} {{ printf "%02d" ( $scratch.Get "counter" ) }}'
       +                 width="{{ $image.Width }}" height="{{ $image.Height }}">
       +            {{ $scratch.Add "counter" 1 }}
       +            {{ end }}
       +            {{ end }}
       +        <!-- </div> -->
       +        <!-- <div class="w3-col s12 m8 l8"> -->
       +        <!-- </p> -->
       +        <!-- </div> -->
       +    <!-- </div> -->
       +    <div>
       +    <a href='{{ .Permalink }}' style="color: #808080;"><nobr>Se hele serien →</nobr></a>
       +    <br>
       +    <br>
       +    </div>
       +{{- else }}
       +        <br>
       +        {{ .Summary }}
       +        <a href='{{ .Permalink }}'><nobr>Læs mere →</nobr></a>
       +{{- end }}
 (DIR) diff --git a/themes/tale-mod/layouts/index.html b/themes/tale-mod/layouts/index.html
       t@@ -27,4 +27,10 @@
       +{{ range $.Site.Home.AllTranslations }}
       +<li><a href="{{ .Permalink }}">{{ .Language.LanguageName }}</a></li>
       +{{ end }}
        {{ partial "footer.html" . }}